
Fight And Flight:

Some Basic Rules:
Blue space shuttle-You
Red UFO - Computer


  • The Left - Right Buttons at the right corner represents the direction in which a force will be produced on the object if pressed. Note: Long press is unnecessary.A touch gives significant force on the object. The Left-Right arrow does the same function for PC.
  • The first button in left corner (typical reversing button in videos) shoots Left Side. "A" represents the same in PC. Note: Your Space Shuttle shoots as long as the button is presses or icon is touched. The fast forward icon represents the same but for shooting right side. For PC its the "D" button.
  • The gear icon at top left or "S" button (in PC) gives shield to your shuttle from UFO's shooting.Note: It gives shield as long as it is pressed. Also, the shuttle cannot shoot and have shield at the same time.

Overview :
       Top left reading is UFO's health (mentioned as Opponent) Top right reading represents Space shuttle's shield and Life readings. 
Each time the UFO dies, additional shield health  is given to player. Life does not increase. 

The Game might not function or load at first time. Try to refresh the game page if so.
